CRank: 5Score: 13260

Back in the day - awesome

Up against Halo, CoD and MoH it simply has no chance......the bars be raised and Goldeneye has missed the boat - by about 10 years

5102d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Having your flagship title falling apart live on stage.

Not impressed at all

5102d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

Same sound effects, graphics - everything.

Just a slightly different control system

Still the game has been on for 15 minutes so i guess this is there biggy - the game doesn't work with a wireless interefence either lololololololololololololol

The game is laggggggggggggggggiiiiinnnnnng gggggggg


Nintendo have flopped

3 more hours and Sony are gonna flop too

5102d ago 3 agree9 disagreeView comment

Am i right in assuming that once bought it will allow 4 people to play games all at the same time without additional controllers - something to do with skeleton mapping?

If so and if priced around the £100 mark this would appear quite reasonable for what it offers.

On a side note - how much would you need to pay to allow 4 people to play with Sony's new Move system? Would each person need a controller set up for 4 player games and would you need to b...

5102d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

This still holds out against competition from MS and Ninty

5103d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

To many to list!!!

Negatives - Sony n Ninty have got to try and top that.
They've got NOOOOOOOOO chance :D

5103d ago 0 agree7 disagreeView comment

Microsoft have got it in the bag - unless Sony announce Halo4 as an exclusive then they've got nothing.

5103d ago 0 agree7 disagreeView comment

Goodnight Sony - you've got no chance looking at this

5103d ago 2 agree12 disagreeView comment

5105d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I,ve just won the lottery, Hugh Heffner has invited me round for a weekend and is gonna watch n learn what i teach him.......also, i could take out Norris and Seagal at the same time blindfolded.

Smug doesn't even touch it.

5105d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

After finishing a 9 hour shift, exercising and looking after my family i'm kinda tired......

Would it be ok if i just slump on the sofa with my regular controller in hand instead?

Natal/Move/Wii mote = new n exciting and innovative.
Controller = the original and for the near future at least, still the best :D

5105d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

Seriously, did someone actually get paid to design that thing...........

5109d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Huxley.......whatever happened to that one?

Looked so awesome and promising.

5114d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Virgin uses fibre optic pretty much throughout and you are more likely (than other broadband suppliers) to achieve your maximum dowmload speed with them on a constant basis.

Im on a virgin 10meg - all my speedtests regardless of time of day give me a speed of 8800 - 9300 consistently

5128d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Bungie have developed the Halo's with an extremely beautiful learning curve.

They are very easy to get into, almost anyone can 'pick up and play' them hence the "noob/watereddown" label.

However scratch the surface and there is a massive amount of depth to the game.....beta at present.
If you want to be good then it will take mastering and there is a massive difference between the 'noobs' and the 'experts' when it...

5131d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I believe that next gen the target Sony,MS and Nintendo should be aiming for all their games = running at 1080p, 60fps with awesome draw distance in games, open game worlds with no loss of graphical fidelity no matter how large...........this i think would tax the next Gen of consoles and would need plenty of RAM (3gb?) and a massively improved chipset.

Think Crysis on steroids if you will.

Anymore promises from Sony,MS etc about what their consoles will achieve ...

5256d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

graphically i believe Reach will be slightly improved over ODST - as good as Killzone2 graphics......maybe not

However where the Halo's really shine is gameplay and considering Killzone2 is still miles behind the gameplay of Halo3 (especially online) then even a small jump in game quality will leave the other FPS's in the dust......again.

5285d ago 5 agree6 disagreeView comment

First law of business is taking the punters for what you can.........

Whats the point of them spending more on a new game engine and a longer campaign and more bug testing when they can release it like this and still make a fortune?

If they had improved the game then it would still be greatly recieved but their profit margin would have been down a tad ;)

It's definetely true - gaming is now all about mainstream 'big sellers' and how much money that...

5310d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

On the seventh day,God was bored so HE said "Let all have battle rifles and plasma grenades" and thus Halo was born and there was much singing and dancing in the streets.

5311d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Graphics - slightly improved over ODST's - Killzone2 will still probably trump it in this department.
Sound - as brilliant as ever
Musical score - second to none,best game music ever (going by past games)
Story - I've read all the Halo books and if the story is as good as 'The Fall Of Reach' then its gonna be awesome.
Gameplay - single player - rock solid
Gameplay - multiplayer - best ever

Even with gaming giants like GOW3, GT5, SC Conviction ...

5333d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment